Ozone therapy kills bacteria and viruses

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Stating that it is used in many areas from rheumatic and joint problems to skin care, Orthopedics and Traumatology Specialist Assoc. Dr. Aydın Arslan stated that ozone therapy strengthens the immune system, gives resistance to the body, and kills bacteria and viruses.
With the weather starting to get cold, many people try different methods to keep their immune system strong and not get sick.

As we enter the winter months, Orthopedics and Traumatology Specialist Assoc. Dr. Aydın Arslan stated that ozone therapy strengthens the body’s immunity by meeting the oxygen needs of the cells and increasing blood circulation.


The use of ozone gas, which is one of the most important elements for human health, in the most beneficial way for the body is called ozone therapy. Assoc. Dr. Aydın Arslan said, “Ozone therapy has a very common usage area.

It is frequently applied to strengthen the immune system, eliminate rheumatic and joint problems, reduce pain caused by low back and neck hernia, strengthen body resistance, treat wounds and burns, and remove acne, spots and disorders on the skin. he said.
Ozone therapy, outside of the direct blood route; There are several different methods such as injection into the muscle or applications on open wounds.


The body’s natural defense mechanisms are trying to maintain the body balance by fighting harmful oxidants caused by edible foods, breathing air, stress and harmful habits.

Weakened defense mechanisms lead to a decrease in oxygen in the tissue, deterioration of cells and the development of diseases, thus weakening the immune system. At this point, ozone therapy strengthens the body’s immunity by meeting the oxygen needs of the cells and increasing blood circulation.

Stating that diseases can be treated directly with ozone therapy, which has no side effects, Arslan said, “Ozone therapy can be applied before the diseases, so that the person does not get sick. Much more serious diseases that may occur in the future in the vital functions of the person can be prevented.

Let’s talk about how ozone therapy strengthens immunity.;

Ozone activates and strengthens the body’s natural defense mechanism and gives oxygen to the cells,
Increases the oxygen capacity of the blood,
It accelerates blood circulation,
Activates the immune system,
“It kills bacteria and viruses,” he said.
