Ozkan Ugur passed away

Ozkan Ugur passed away

Özkan Uğur, the famous musician of MFÖ, whom we have been looking forward to getting good news for days, passed away. We will not forget you…

We regret to write that the famous musician who took part in the bass and vocals of the Mazhar Fuat Özkan group Ozkan Ugur he lost his life.

Artist Özkan Uğur passed away

Despite the fact that the artist, who has been treated for cancer for a while, has beaten cancer many times before, this time, unfortunately, he could not get rid of it. Engraving his name in Turkish music history with golden letters, the artist also composed and sang many movie soundtracks and took part in some of them.

Our condolences to the family and all fans of the famous artist.

Who is Ozkan Ugur?

Özkan Uğur was born on October 17, 1953 in Istanbul. In the early 1980s, they came together with Mazhar Alanson and Fuat Güner to form the MFÖ. MFÖ is a popular and influential music group with a large fan base in Turkey.

The group has produced many hit songs that have been influential in Turkish pop music for many years. He has many popular songs such as “Ele Against the Sun”, “There is Rain in Istanbul This Morning”, “Yellow Tulips”, “Vak The Rock”, “Like Sand”, “Diday Diday Day”.

Özkan Uğur plays an important role in both singing and songwriting with MFÖ. He is one of the members of the group known for his energetic stage performances. Uğur’s unique vocal style and stage presence added character to MFÖ’s music.
