Oxford County to start ‘Waterline’ Newsletter

Oxford County is adopting a newsletter to replace other water and wastewater notices may to residents throughout the year.


Waterline, a pilot project that will include information such as water main flushing and outdoor watering, will go out to residents this month. Residents are encouraged to keep the info handy for future reference.

The First Issue Includes Updates On Water Rates, Watermain Maintenance Schedules, The Summer Water Conservation Program, Reminders of What To Flush, and Who Owns What It Comes to the Water and Sewer Pipes Running to Your Home.

β€œThe new waterline Newsletter is intended to serve as a snapshot of what residents can expect throughout the year when it comes to water and wastewater services, as well as providing additional information they may not know,” Said Don Ford, Oxford’s Manager of water and wastewater services. “” “With this first Issue, we are look for Feedback from our Customers so we can be sure this of communicating is helpful and meets their needs. ”

All Residents who Receive The Newsletter by Mail Are Being Asked to Provide Feedback by Letting Oxford County Know if this is a helpful way to receive information. People can do so by Completing the Survey Found in the Document. Those who reply Will have a chance to win a free rain barl delivered to their home.

If you don’t receive the Newsletter Within A Few Weeks, Email [email protected].

All Information Found Within The Waterline, Including A Digital Copy of the Newsletter, can be found at oxfordcounty.ca/water-wastewater.

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