The library has launched a short, 10-minute survey that allows users to share their thoughts

The folks at the Oxford County Library want to hear from their patrons to help shape the future of the system’s “services, programs and spaces.”
Part of an update to its strategic plan, the library has launched a short, 10-minute survey that allows users to share their thoughts on the various aspects of the library’s many offerings. Intended as a way to gain a better understanding of the community’s priorities, the survey will also help officials identify “key opportunities and challenges” within the system.
By participating in the survey, patrons can be actively involved in the library’s future through this strategic planning process, helping ensure it “continues to provide exceptional services to the community,” library officials said in a release.
The library wants feedback from all county residents – from longtime users, newcomers to the library or people who have yet to use library resources. The goal is to embrace a wide range of perspectives to make sure library services are “inclusive and responsive” to the needs of the entire Oxford County community.
“As we look to the years ahead, we want to build upon what makes our libraries special and deliver services the truly resonate with our patrons,” chief librarian Lisa Marie Williams said. “That’s why every survey response matters.
“Whether you have been a patron for years or have yet to step through our doors, we genuinely value your insights. Your participation in this survey will help shape the future of our library and enable us to serve you better.”
The survey, and more information about the library’s planning efforts, can be found at or by visiting any Oxford County Library branch. The confidential survey will remain open to responses until July 28.
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