Overweight men face this risk! “It is increasing as the plague of our age”

Overweight men face this risk It is increasing as the

Urology Specialist Prof. Dr. İsa Özbey made statements about male infertility. Prof. gave a brief definition of infertility. Dr. Özbey said, “We call infertility the inability of married couples to have children despite unprotected intercourse for 1 year. In 1/3 of infertility cases, the man has the problem, 1/3 of the woman has the problem, and in 1/3 of the problem, both partners have the problem. That is, approximately the cause of infertility.” “In 50 percent of cases, the problem is in men,” he said.


Stating that approximately 15 percent of married couples in the world struggle with infertility problems, Özbey said, “Unfortunately, this rate is gradually increasing. In recent years, this rate has approached 35 percent. Studies have found that the sperm count in men is gradually decreasing. Environmental pollution is responsible for the decrease in sperm count.” “Factors such as increased consumption of GMO foods and increased use of cigarettes, alcohol and drugs are held responsible,” he said.


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Touching on how infertility is diagnosed and its causes, Prof. Dr. Özbey said, “The first test that should be performed in male patients applying for infertility is the ‘spermiogram’ test. Other additional tests should be requested according to the sperm analysis results, which we call spermiogram. If the sperm count is below 10 million/mL, hormone tests are below 5 million/mL. “Genetic tests should be requested. Despite all scientific and technological developments, we can only learn the cause of 50-60 percent of male infertility. We do not know the remaining causes, but we can guess. Environmental factors, nutritional habits, GMO foods and genetic factors are probably responsible,” he said.


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Explaining the treatment options, Özbey said, “While the hormonal causes we encounter in male infertility are treated with medication, diseases such as varicocele (swelling of the veins in the scrotum) can be corrected with surgery. Although there are many treatment methods for varicocele, the most effective treatment method today is microscopic varicocelectomy surgery. Microscopic varicocelectomy With unexplained infertility, 40-80 percent of patients can have children with in vitro fertilization. “Approximately 10 percent of them have no sperm in their semen. In these patients, 65 percent of sperm can be found with a surgery called ‘micro-TESE’,” he said.



Urology Specialist Prof. stated that one of the important issues is that some drugs can cause infertility. Dr. İsa Özbey said, “In this regard, every physician should definitely question the expectation of having a child and then start medication. Excessive weight and obesity are increasing as the plague of our age and can cause infertility. The male hormone testosterone turns into the female hormone ‘estradiol’ in the fat tissue and can lead to infertility. This can lead to infertility.” “For this reason, weight loss may be a treatment option for overweight men,” he said. (UAV)

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