Overwatch 2: how to access the beta of the game?

Overwatch 2 how to access the beta of the game

Overwatch 2 has opened the doors of its closed beta since last night, offering players to discover the new features offered by this second part. We explain how to access it.

[Mis à jour le 27 avril 2022 à 12h46] Blizzard is definitely in full swing. Between the release of Diablo Immortal and that of Overwatch 2, the American video game giant, recently acquired by Microsoft, has its work cut out for it. And hostilities began with the start of the Overwatch 2 closed beta. Announced at BlizzCon 2019, this second installment is ready to welcome players during a closed beta which has been taking place since April 26 and will continue over the next few days. Fans of this FPS competitors will have the opportunity to discover the extent of the new features of this new component which will offer, among other things, a ping system, a total overhaul of certain heroes and a brand new arrival: Sojourn. We explain how to participate and all that it contains.

Who says new release says beta(s)! Players are encouraged to participate in this first closed-door testing period so that Blizzard can test the capabilities of its game and servers. All players who own Overwatch and play on PC can participate in this test period, by going to register on the Overwatch official website. Unfortunately, this beta is not open to everyone, ie all players are not guaranteed to be offered access to the game, but a part will be selected according to predefined criteria. These criteria include game region, Battle.net registration date, system configuration and others. If you haven’t been selected for this first closed beta, don’t panic, Blizzard plans to do several soon. They will be open to console players and new players.

To cut to the chase, the closed beta of Overwatch 2 will be held from next April 26. This will be a multi-day test period that follows the alpha only for developers and professional players. For Blizzard, this test period open to a wider audience will take the temperature of the crowds vis-à-vis Overwatch 2 while testing the capacity of its servers in the face of a large influx of players.

Who says beta says new content! Overwatch 2 will finally show its true face to players on April 26 and will offer a whole bunch of new things to seduce players. We will find the classic Overwatch modes in 5 against 5, but also a new game mode “Push”. To continue on the novelties, we will also see four new maps, Circuit Royal, Midtown, Toronto, and Rome, as well as the reworks of some well-known characters such as Orisa, Doomfist, Bastion and Sombra. But the biggest surprise of this closed beta is the arrival of a new hero, Sojourn, the first to join Overwatch for 2 years. Sojourn had her identity and backstory revealed by the short film below.

Sojourn, real name Vivienne Chase, was a member of the Canadian Special Forces and joined Overwatch after a brief collaboration with Jack Morrison, the organization’s late captain. No information for the moment around his skills, so you will have to dive into the closed beta to discover it in more detail!
