Over 47,000 fans are watching how Blizzard makes Diablo 4 better, praising the changes live

On July 28th, Blizzard announced the near future of Diablo 4 with a new campfire chat. With patch notes for patch 1.1.1 and lots of buffs, the developers have received praise from the players. Only one place still complains: Reddit.

What makes Blizzard better?

How the players react: The stream was broadcast live on Twitch and YouTube. At its peak, more than 47,400 viewers watched on Twitch alone (via sullygnome), and a similar number on YouTube.

The mood in the chat was initially skeptical and even hostile, but was repeatedly flooded with “W” when the changes were presented. This stands for “Win”, i.e.: “Everything done right.” The following were particularly well received:

  • Buffs on the Sorceress and the Druid
  • increased monster density in nightmare dungeons and infernal floods
  • Improvements for ultimates, legendaries and abilities to bring them in line with the currently very strong Vulnerable status
  • While there were some cynics who accused players of various things that we’d rather not repeat, the mood in chat was surprisingly positive. Especially with a look at the stream the week before, where the developers were downright hated.

    Even Season 1 had to live with ridicule and criticism:

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    “How does it feel to live a life of hating everything?”

    The only actual negative reactions are piling up on Reddit. There, fans of the game and critics of Diablo 4 have been arguing for some time. No matter what announcement Blizzard makes: someone will always complain and pull down the mood.

    The colleagues from GameStar have already reported that the players are destroying their own fun on Reddit.

    This also happened right after the Campfire Chat, which consistently only announced buffs and improvements. In one thread, users discuss all the changes, in another specifically about the sorceress’ extensive buffs.

    In both cases, there were comments very quickly after publication that complained: the buffs were not sufficient, Diablo 4 was doomed. Some of the comments can no longer be found because they were rated too negatively.

    Meanwhile, at the top, i.e. with the highest approval, are comments from users who cannot understand such criticism at all. On the upcoming patch 1.1.1 everything is really positive. Anyone who still complains should consider leaving.

    Some users also say that the Diablo 4 subreddit is no longer a pleasant place to be. Since shortly after the release, there has only been a negative atmosphere and it is no longer fun to exchange ideas about the game there. Streamers probably also make a contribution:

    Twitch: MMORG streamer grumbles about Season 1 in Diablo 4, says he’s “done” with the game
