Outgoing Prime Minister Sanna Marin addresses students in New York at the legendary stadium

Outgoing Prime Minister Sanna Marin addresses students in New York

At the same event, Sanna Marin (sd.), who is still acting as Prime Minister of the Ministry of Supply, will be awarded an honorary doctorate from New York University (NYU).

New York University will hold its graduation ceremony on Wednesday night at the traditional Yankee Stadium in the Bronx. Honorary doctors are also awarded at the celebration.

Prime Minister of the Ministry of Transport Sanna Marin gives a speech at the event on behalf of all those who will be ordained at the event.

Along with Marin, a Nobel laureate in chemistry will be awarded honorary doctorates Carolyn Bertozzia dancer Misty Copeland and former president of the University of Maryland Freeman A. Hrabowski.

At the same event, the university’s honorary medal for the writer will be awarded For Salman Rushdie. The 75-year-old Rushdie’s most famous work is the 1988 novel The Satanic Verses, which angered Muslims widely.

For example, the then religious leader of Iran, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini sentenced Rushdie to death.

Rushdie was stabbed last August during a speech in the United States.

The event starts at 18:00 Finnish time. follows Marin’s speech in this article. You can follow the whole event on the university’s YouTube account from here. (you switch to another service)
