Outgoing faction leader Student & Starter is disappointed with the hardening in Utrecht politics

Outgoing faction leader Student Starter is disappointed with the

Kendir: “Yes. When I came here two and a half years ago, I saw a municipal council in which we are tough on content, but soft on people. And I was very proud of that. When I look at national politics, or to municipal councils in Rotterdam or The Hague, then I think we are still doing well in Utrecht. At the same time, I see that there is a hardening in politics and of people towards politics, through the use of both traditional media and social media. has increased. Because when there are a lot of cameras, you see that parties have a much greater need to profile themselves. The result is that after a debate or media appearance, as a politician or politician you receive a lot of online hate. I have also had that in the past two years during appearances on national media. Regardless of what the subject was, I subsequently had Twitter going crazy for a few days, with very unnecessary personal hate comments. Several people in the city council experience that. And that causes This also means that the political atmosphere is hardening.”
