No outdoor music to dance to we have sunny sunday afternoon at the port dover legion?
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Supporters are reading to take on norfolk country bylaw after hearing that popular musical events hosted on the legion patio have been halted – at least temporally – due to a noise complaint.
“That’s upsetting!” Said One Woman on Social Media.
“I Live Close to the Legion and Enjoy Hearing The Music.”
Others Pointed Out the Legion Raises Thousands of Dollars for Area Charities and Expressed Anger that one complaining that could be Halt to events enjoyed by so many.
“This is beyond frustrating,” Said Another Poster. “These aren’t young Kids Throwing Wild Parties; these are our veterans – Grandparents – Enjoying Live Music in the afternoon, Not Late at Night.”
Goal, hold up.
It turns out the reality is a bit different.
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A Noise Complaint Did Set Off A Bylaw Investigation at the Legion.
President Walter Breen Says The Organization – Which Generally Hosts Live Music On the Patio On Sunday afternoons and Until about 9 pm on Friday the 13th – Had a complaint about Noise and Addressed It by Purchasing and Monitoring A Decibel Meter So Soundls Are Kep Under 90 DB.
That’s about The Level of A Gas-Powred Mower, a Kitchen Blender or Most Power Tools.
“A Lot of People in the Area Say they Hear the Music and Find It Sotothing and Relaxing On sunday afternoon,” Says Breen.
But Norfolk coun. Adam Veri, Who Represents Port Dover, Says The Problem is no lean a noise.
“During the (Bylaw) Investigation, it was discovered by country Staff that the parking lot (where the patio is set up) is not zoned for amplified music,” Said Veri.
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“It used to be a house and when the house was torn down, no one got the zoning changed.”
More than that, Veri notes the Zoning Should be Addressed Property or the Legion Could Face Issues about Serving Alcohol on That Land.
“No one at the country or at bylaw is against the legion, we not trying to shut them down and no one is mad,” Veri Said.
“We just trying to make sure the zoning requirements are legal because you can do diffrerent rules for different groups.”
The Legion is in the Process of Arranging Filings with the County – Albeit with some concern that the noise complaint Could Be Raised Again – But No One Knows Whether Things Will Be Resolved in Time For Music On The Patio This Season.
“This is staff work,” Said Veri. “Council doesn’t review or vote on who gets permit and who doesn’t.”
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Breen Said for the Time Being, The Music Will Continue Indoors, Where It’s Been All Winter, and the Legion Will Continue Working with the County on the Rezoning Issue.
Veri Said the Two Parties Were Working Together on the Issue When “Gossip” on Social Media Blew Things Up with Misinformation About the Noise Complaint.
Breen Said the Idea of Losing Live Music On The Patio This Year Has Left A Lot of Disapponed People and Will Cut Into the Legion’s Income.
“We do a lot for the community. Less Than a Month AGO WE GAVE $ 20,000 to the Veterans Hospital (St. Joseph’s Health Care Foundation In London) And YesterDay We Gave $ 5,000 to the New Hospice.
“If we have to lose returned, our incomes is going to have to go straight to the vets because they come first.”