Outbreak of stomach disease closes mountain station

Several people at the Kebnekaise mountain station have suffered from stomach ailments in the last 24 hours – which, among other things, forced guests at the station to stay isolated. Now the Swedish Tourist Association (STF), which runs the facility, chooses to temporarily close the mountain station until the situation has improved.

“We need to break the spread of infection at the mountain station and give the staff a chance to clean all areas properly and bring new dass to the area,” says the mountain station’s Facebook page.

Over the course of a week, around 15 guests at the mountain station have suffered from stomach ailments, reports say SVT News Norrbotten. Three people have also had to be picked up by the mountain rescue after developing symptoms during their hike towards the top of Kebnekaise.

The station will remain closed until Thursday. The increasingly rapid spread has made it difficult for staff to isolate and clean up to the extent required, they write in the post.
