out of the majority, Macron’s speech is unanimously against her

out of the majority Macrons speech is unanimously against her

Emmanuel Macron tried to regain control, this Monday, April 17, after having promulgated the pension reform which has been agitating France for months. In a televised allowance, the Head of State expressed his wishes for the end of this five-year term. The main reactions.

Two worlds currently coexist. After the French President’s speech, his Prime Minister felt that Emmanuel Macron had formulated his intentions “ with force “, and that she was going to present next week ” The roadmap of his government.

Stéphane Séjourné, Secretary General of Renaissance, followed suit: the party will help “ respond to the concerns expressed by our fellow citizens in recent months while building a more independent country, a fairer and more united nation in a stronger Europe “.

We were treated to a summary of macronism in a few minutes. It means that the president changes absolutely nothing, even that he accelerates.

Benoît Teste, from the FSU union

Sacha Houlié, Renaissance MP, also communicated: “ The projects presented by the president correspond to the requests of our fellow citizens. We will be there, alongside the Prime Minister, to make these promises a reality. “, he assures.

For the rest, it is the hallali against the relative majority. On the left, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, of La France insoumise, judged Mr. Macron “ unreal “. ” Completely out of reality “according to him, the president” assumes the flight of two years of freedom. Pans sound fairer. »

This President of the Republic has trouble hearing us, listening to us. So what we said was that we weren’t going to meet him if he promulgated the law.

Céline Verzeletti, of the CGT

A play on words by Olivier Faure, of the Socialist Party: “ From the palace of the bogged down, the arsonist president promises one hundred days to put out the fire that he feeds daily. Fabien Roussel, national secretary of the PCF: Those who did not listen lost nothing. »

Ecologists went there with their reaction, with Cyrielle Chatelain, leader of the EELV deputies, for whom “ Emmanuel Macron announces nothing, changes nothing. It does not take the measure of the anger or the scale of the social and environmental crisis. »

We weren’t expecting much, and we weren’t disappointed. What I remember is that he brewed a lot of wind and sent a lot of contempt.

Simon Duteil, from the organization Solidaires

Even Éric Ciotti, head of the Les Républicains movement, yet in favor of pension reform, “ welcomes with skepticism this long catalog of pious wishes which brings neither course nor novelty, in spite of objectives which are as laudable as they are obvious “.

Still on the right, Marine Le Pen, of the National Rally, judges that by announcing the withdrawal of the reform or a referendum, ” Emmanuel Macron could have re-established the link with the French this evening. He chose again to turn his back on them and ignore their suffering. »

Regrets won’t change much for the workers who will have to work two more years.

Laurent Berger, CFDT

► To read also: Pensions: return to Emmanuel Macron’s speech at the Élysée
