Ousmane Sonko’s defamation trial adjourned to February 16

Ousmane Sonkos defamation trial adjourned to February 16

The opponent and declared presidential candidate had accused the current Minister of Tourism Mame Mbaye Niang of having been singled out in a report by the General State Inspectorate for embezzlement. Comments deemed “defamatory” by Mame Mbaye Niang, who took legal action.

With our correspondent in Dakar, Charlotte Idrac

An important security device had been deployed at the courthouse and around the home of Ousmane Sonko. The opponent did not appear in court this morning. ” He had not received a summons to appear “, assures Me Ousseynou Ngom, one of his lawyers.

In the end, three offenses were held against Ousmane Sonko: defamation, public insults, forgery and use of forgery. Could this lead to his ineligibility for the 2024 presidential election? ” It is too early to tell responds Me Ngom. ” We focus on our defense “says the lawyer, who requested the dismissal.

Present in court, Mame Mbaye Niang ensures for his part that ” there is nothing political ” in that case. Ousmane Sonko publicly accused me », « he said he had a report that would have pinned me down “recalls the Minister of Tourism. ” I expected him to come and produce this report “. What if that disqualifies him for the election? ” He is the one who made the mistake “, continues the Minister.

This procedure is in addition to the rape charges brought against Ousmane Sonko. No date has yet been set for a trial in this other case.
