our readers react to the news – L’Express

our readers react to the news – LExpress

What borders for Israel and Palestine?

Chantal Bourry, Jonzac (Charente-Maritime)

Israel should never have been stuck between two Palestinian territories. This increases the number of kilometers of borders and dangerously increases the risk of conflict. And of course, today we need two States. But the big question concerns the determination of geographical limits. Will the two countries be able to agree on the delimitation of borders? (Rafah, the horror of too muchL’Express of May 30.)

Two States, yes, but how?

Jean-Claude Bjaï, Plan-de-Cuques (Bouches-du-Rhône)

One of your readers claims – and he is not the only one – that the two-state solution would be the best guarantee of lasting peace between Israel and the Palestinians. What naivety and what ignorance of history and current events! On several occasions, Arab states and/or Palestinians have refused the creation and existence of Israel. Moreover, as soon as Mahmoud Abbas is replaced at the head of the PLO, Hamas will take control, including by force. This same Hamas which calls in its charter for the destruction of Israel. Are West Bank settlements really the problem in achieving peace? (Letters from readersL’Express of May 30).

READ ALSO: Philippe Sands: “It makes no sense to say that Israel and Hamas are put on an equal footing”

Hamas has weakened the supporters of peace

Christian Legrand

I may be writing a lot of nonsense and begging to be corrected, but here are the thoughts that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict inspires in me. The Israeli right came to power democratically; including, unfortunately, far-right parties. These parties were greatly helped by Hamas which, during each election, worked to fire rockets into Israeli territory, which contributed to weakening parties more capable of promoting peace and a two-state solution! We also often talk about the naqba, the emigration of Arabs from the territories of Israel. On the other hand, we do not talk about the Jews forced to emigrate from Iraq, Iran, Yemen and the Maghreb countries. Finally, Israel is accused of apartheid. However, its population includes 20% Arabs, who have a political party and authorized access to professions as diverse as police, military, doctor or journalist. Funny apartheid… (Israel-Hamas A war of numbers and storiesL’Express of June 6)

Ukraine: France at war

Laurent Opsomer, Saint-Amand-les-Eaux (North)

In August 2023, the Elysée announced the death of three French soldiers deployed in Iraq as part of “advice, assistance and empowerment” activities. These are neither the first nor the last military instructors to die in external operations and it is feared that future victims will be recorded in Ukraine. The Ukrainian Chief of Staff announced on May 27 that French military instructors would soon go to Ukraine. They will undoubtedly constitute a privileged, even priority target for Moscow, especially since France is involved without any international mandate (unlike its previous deployments). Worse, the example of the Vietnam War reminds us that sending military advisors can be the prelude to a major military engagement. (Instructors in Ukraine: the Kremlin threatens France with reprisalson lexpress.fr).

READ ALSO: Disinformation: the Kremlin’s ever more formidable methods to destabilize Europe

No to punitive taxation!

Francis Lemaître, Monthyon (Seine-et-Marne)

Shahin Vallée has found the solution: increasingly drain legitimate assets during their transmission and penalize retirees who have built up a pension through their work and their high contributions. This is nothing more and nothing less than a scam! On what grounds should we take from individuals what rightfully belongs to them? Reasonable taxation is obviously necessary, but are professional success and savings punishable offenses? As the rating agencies note, it is the excessive spending of the State which must be considered above all else. (We cannot avoid a new debate on pensionsL’Express of May 30).

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