our readers react to the news – L’Express

our readers react to the news – LExpress

An exhausted international system

Louis Robin, Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône)

It is now proven that members of UNRWA participated in the abominable anti-Semitic pogrom of October 7, 2023. But should we be surprised? Over the past twenty years, the UN (on which UNRWA depends) has become the accomplice of some of the bloodiest dictatorships, Islamism and terrorism. For its part, the Red Cross has been forever disgraced by its complicity with Hamas criminals and the Hague Court has lost all legitimacy. More generally, it seems that we are witnessing the total collapse of the international system established in the last century. Almost all international or supranational institutions – and neither the International Monetary Fund nor the European Union are an exception to the rule – have proven at best their ineffectiveness, at worst their ideological radicalization and their profound toxicity. Supposed to work for a better world, they have gradually become obsolete machines or uncontrollable monsters. (UNRWA affair: the UN, a broken thingL’Express of February 1.)

I wish I was Jewish

Bernard Lipp, Dole (Jura)

Once again, Abnousse Shalmani seduces me with her humanity and her free spirit. It confirms a thought that I have had for a long time, in reaction to persistent anti-Semitism despite the Shoah: I would like to be Jewish to bear a little of this age-old curse which pursues this people. This sensitivity does not prevent me from denouncing the unbearable attitude of Netanyahu and the Israeli extreme right, who are joining the Islamist extremists. (Faced with virtuous hatred: the urgency of calling oneself “Zionist”L’Express of January 25.)

READ ALSO: Israel: Benny Gantz, the soldier who dreams of replacing Netanyahu

Netanyahu is not the enemy of peace

Daniel Hirsch, Rueil-Malmaison (Hauts-de-Seine)

The enemies of peace are more to be found among those who started the massacres and all those who encourage them or look the other way. In this last category, we can find the European financiers of the Palestinian education system and reconstruction, which resulted in building a militarized fortress in Gaza. Blaming the war on the Israeli Prime Minister is a way of exonerating those really responsible. In your list of seven sins, only two seem capital to me. First, the October 7 fiasco. Then, the fact of having relied on a minority far-right party to stay in power, even if it meant accepting its excesses. For the rest, who can guarantee that a Palestinian state would not immediately transform into an Islamist dictatorship? (Netanyahu’s seven sinsL’Express of January 25.)

Iter, too much delay…

Chantal Bourry, Jonzac (Charente-Maritime)

Michel Claessens, former communications director of Iter, is right to point out that “the merger remains in the research and development phase” and that we must stop “saying that this is the energy of the future or a solution for the climate”. Concerning the difficulty of this scientific experiment that is Iter, we must also not forget that the plasma inside must reach a temperature of 150 million degrees Celsius, or ten times the temperature of the core of the Sun. Furthermore, the objective is to obtain a power of 500 megawatts during 400 seconds (and not around fifteen minutes as indicated in the article), which is very little compared to the output that must be achieved for industrial production. (Iter: too much delay?L’Express of January 25.)

READ ALSO: Nuclear: time for recovery, but when?

Hollande and the sense of the ridiculous

Jean Michel Boulègue, Brive-la-Gaillarde (Corrèze)

Incredible François Hollande! Who could believe after reading the article that his five-year term ended almost in ridicule and remember his catastrophic presidency of the Corrèze Departmental Council! This man is definitely ready to do anything to try to get back into the political game! Laughable and sad at the same time. (François Hollande: “Gabriel Attal has talent, but…”L’Express of January 25.)

The first breakfast for Express readers

Around fifteen subscribers participated on February 1 in the first edition of “L’Express breakfasts”. Discussions with Eric Chol, our editorial director; behind the scenes of the investigation into Michel-Edouard Leclerc, carried out by Emilie Lanez; choice of covers for the weekly and their production; participation in the daily morning editorial conference; presentation of the newspaper, without forgetting a few surprises… An original way for L’Express to stay in touch with its readers, which should be renewed in the coming months.
