Our favorite books to offer for Christmas

Our favorite books to offer for Christmas

Futura has selected 8 fascinating science books for you on themes that we tackle such as cooking and its scientific background. To read without moderation.

Notice to all the curious and those who want to offer books full of science and wonder to your loved ones insatiable with curiosities, here are our favorite books to put at the foot of the fir of Christmas.

Beau-Livre photos and adventure: Between two worlds

A wonderful book that tells the story of the scientific expedition Under The Pole III, in the depths of the ocean, led by the passionate couple Emmanuelle Périé-Bardout and Ghislain Bardout.

“For 4 years, during this 3rd Under The Pole expedition, we have been alongside these borders [celle des profondeurs et celle du temps]_, taming them to finally evolve slowly between these two worlds. And remember that they are one, of which we are a part and which we must fiercely preserve ”.

A fascinating modern, scientific and human epic.

Beau-Livre photos: Brittle

Gorgeous. Sensitive. Brittle. Three words that are not enough to qualify this work bringing together photographs breathtakingly beautiful by multi-award-winning Pedro Jarque Krebs.

“His photographs aim to break down the psychological and emotional barriers that separate us from our fellow human beings, capturing every animal, whether it is a bird, of a reptile or a big cat, in a atmosphere privacy. His images give animals their full and proper dignity. They remind us that we are not the center of the universe and that our most important project is to protect theecosystem complex of which we are only a small constituent element. “

Beau-Livre photos: Secret France

Patrick Baud, famous YouTuber chain Axolot, takes you to discover 100 unusual places in France and in the Dom Tom, such as the Caves of Saint Marcel, the Pénitents des Mées, the Fosse Dionne, the Sculptured Rocks of Rothéneuf, the Troglodyte Caves of Villecroze, etc.

Comics, cooking and science: Cooking Adventurers

A delightful comic book by Franckie Alarcon where the chemist Raphael Haumont and the famous chef Thierry Marx concoct an explosive menu to discover the cuisine and the science behind it! For young and old.

Cuisine and ecology: Encyclopedia of Sustainable Food

Bérengère Abraham, Marie-Laure Fréchet and Valérie Lhomme offer “100 gourmet recipes” accompanied by testimonials from personalities sensitive to a sustainable lifestyle and respectful of biological rhythms, seasons.

“The encyclopedia of sustainable food invites us to turn resolutely towards tasty, healthy and virtuous food that is part of a future, sustainable and ecological perspective, without giving in to the pleasure of eating. “

Test : The cosmos and us

Astrophysicist and science popularizer on Youtube with his chain The Sense of Wonder, Sébastien Carassou invites you on a great journey from the infinitely small to the infinitely large “To meet the celestial cataclysms which forged our atoms”.

The book is “A scalpel study of reality, in search of its most fundamental constituents. And a breathtaking investigation into the nature of the invisible links that have woven the web of life on Earth for billions of years. What if the miracle of life could have happened elsewhere? “

Test : Realistic

The psychiatrist and famous heir to the line of adventurers and pioneers, Bertrand piccard proposes in his latest book Realist, his solutions to fight effectively against the global warming in progress, without sacrificing contemporary comfort.

“That’s my goal, is that it mobilizes industry, the economy in favor of the environment. This is why I called my book Realist. cleavages, oppositions and we must share the values ​​of each side, ecological values ​​and economic values, and we manage to reconcile them today in favor at the same time of theecology and the economy. “ (Extract from the interview with Bertrand Piccard to be published on Futura.)

Test : The curiosity box

Creator and popularizer of science via her channel La Boîte à curiosités, Marie Triebert “Takes us to meet the living world and its quirks”.

The book was entirely hand-drawn by the visual artist, who takes us into her universe bordered by creativity!

Marie Triebert collaborates with Futura on the podcast “Beasts of science”.

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