Our correspondent found out what young people in Belgium think about their new right | Foreign countries

Our correspondent found out what young people in Belgium think

Hannele Muilu’s video letter opens voting opportunities for young people in the European elections. In Finland, the age limit is 18 years, but in some countries even younger people can vote.

Hannele MuiluEU correspondent

BRUSSELS Here are the three most important points of the video letter:

  • Belgium has lowered the voting age to 16 for the first time in June’s European Parliament elections.
  • 16-year-olds are also allowed to vote in Austria, Germany and Malta.
  • According to a study by the University of Leuven, young people are just as capable of voting as adults – neither better nor worse.
  • Artificial intelligence has made a summary of the script of the video letter. The editor has checked the summary.

    The European elections will be held in Finland on June 9, 2024.

    What do you think, should we also lower the voting age to 16?
