Our brain closely monitors the fat in our body

Our brain closely monitors the fat in our body

There is a hitherto secret messenger between fat tissue and the brain that helps maintain good energy in the body. This was discovered by researchers from the Scripps Research (California), highlighting the role of adipose tissue sensory neurons in fat burning.

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Institute of Human Anatomy uses human cadavers as instruments for teaching anatomy and for medical device training and prototype testing.

In the midst of the complex interplay between our Genoaour environment, our diet and our microbiotathe brain and adipose tissue communicate information to each other.

Researchers have long known that fat from mammals is made up of neurons, but they assumed that nerves in fatty tissue were connected to the sympathetic nervous system — the one that governs the automatic and unconscious reactions of our body, such as combustion fats in case of stress and activity physical.

In fact, we have a sensory nervous system that carries messages “the other way,” from fat tissue to the brain. ” Discovery of these neurons suggests for the first time that the brain actively monitors fat tissue and doesn’t just passively receive messages about it “, Explain in a press release the co-author of the study Li Ye, associate professor of neuroscience at Scripps Research.

Two new methods to understand the role of sensory neurons

However, studying the neurons in the depths of fatty tissue was more complex than in the brain, because the nerves there are difficult to see or stimulate. The researchers then used two new methods. One allows to obtain fabrics transparent using solvents to eliminate the molecules which give fabrics their opacity. In mice, the researchers thus discovered that nearly half of the adipose neurons did not connect to the sympathetic nervous system, but to the sensory nervous system.

The second new technique enabled them to understand the role of these sensory neurons in adipose tissue. Named ” Root », it makes it possible to target and then destroy subsets of neurons. When used, suppression of sensory messages from adipose tissue resulted in increased fat in mice, particularly brown fat. Since this fat helps our body convert sugar and other fats into heatthe mice also had a body temperature higher.

Regulation in fat burning

This tells us that there is more than just one instruction that the brain sends to fat tissue.says Li Ye. It’s more nuanced than that: these two types of neurons act as an accelerator and a brake for fat burning. “.

Indeed, the sensory neurons that innervate adipose tissue regulate fat by acting as a brake on the the nervous system friendly. In contrast, sympathetic neurons are needed to activate fat burning and brown fat production.

If the researchers believe that this mode of communication is essential for maintaining “healthy fat”, it remains to be seen what is the content of the messages that the sensory neurons transmit to the brain from the adipose tissue. The team plans future research to find out what the neurons detect and whether similar cells exist in other internal organs.

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