Oudéa-Castéra controversy, Stanislas school… The government’s clarification – L’Express

Oudea Castera controversy Stanislas school… The governments clarification – LExpress

The “Stanislas” controversy always seems to find a new twist, since the Minister of Sports Amélie Oudéa-Castéra inherited the portfolio of National Education.

The spokesperson for the executive, Prisca Thévenot recognized, Wednesday January 24, “a non-compliance with Parcoursup” on the part of the establishment where the three children of Amélie Oudéa-Castéra are educated, confirming information revealed by a Mediapart survey.

READ ALSO: Iannis Roder: “Between Stanislas and Averroès, beware of double standards”

Stanislas, who welcomes students from kindergarten onwards, has thus departed from the Parcoursup higher education admission platform for some of his students in preparatory class, including one of the minister’s sons. According to information from Mediapart, which obtained an inspection report drawn up by the General Inspectorate of Education, Sport and Research, the establishment would have the habit of promising a place in preparatory class to its students of final year in exchange for renouncing their other wishes on Parcoursup. A practice which limits the number of places available for candidates from other high schools.

The government’s “confidence”

The Minister of National Education, who retains the “full confidence” of Gabriel Attal according to Prisca Thévenot, has withdrawn from the file concerning Stanislas.

READ ALSO: Oudéa-Castéra, Attal and Education: how Macron’s “regeneration” flopped

Asked about the minister’s choice to educate her children in single-sex classes, the spokesperson explained that Amélie Oudéa-Castéra had assured her that she was not at the initiative of this decision which came from ” their children”. “Should she have opposed it?” asked Prisca Thevenot.
