“Otherwise you’ll get a cut”

Otherwise youll get a cut

During holidays, many people choose to travel abroad. Depending on the destination, it can be good to keep track of a number of different things. If you travel outside the EU, Norway, Iceland or Liechtenstein, it can be good to keep track of your mobile data, for example.


This is how you keep your mobile data down on holiday

Here is the campsite with 10,000 visitors – a day

Therefore, it is unusual to tip in Sweden

Something that is not entirely unusual on a trip abroad is to go to a restaurant. Unlike some other countries, it is not so common to tip in Sweden, a habit that may need to be reconsidered abroad.

News24 have talked to Richard Tellstrom who is associate professor in meal science. He tells us that Sweden’s history differs from other countries when it comes to tipping.

– During the second half of the 20th century, the restaurant union worked hard to replace low wages and tips with high wages instead. Thus, partly to create predictable income conditions for the restaurant industry, partly to get rid of black tips so that a higher salary instead becomes pensionable income.

Richard Tellstrom. Photo: Press.


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The country where you have to tip

In an interview with Vestmanland’s Läns Tidning, Tellström reveals which destination is where tipping the restaurant staff is absolutely necessary.

– In the United States, you have to tip 15 percent, otherwise you will get ripped off by the staff, he says the newspaper.

Nyheter24 asked researcher Tellström what it would take for Swedes to drink like Americans. According to him, it will not happen in the near future, if ever.

– A reduction in restaurant industry wages could increase the importance of tips. But that will not happen in Sweden with our trade union tradition, he tells Nyheter24.
