Osteoporosis: what are its causes and symptoms?

Osteoporosis what are its causes and symptoms

Osteoporosis is defined by a decrease in the mass of the bone and a deterioration of its internal structure. As the bones are more fragile, this pathology increases the risk of fracture. What are the causes of this skeletal disease and what are its symptoms?

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L’osteoporosis is an increasingly common disease in developed countries, due to the aging of the population. It affects women much more often than men. Nearly 40% of women aged 65 are affected.

What causes osteoporosis?

Bone is a living tissue in perpetual remodeling. As soon as tissue is too old or damaged, it is replaced by healthy bone. The balance between destruction of old bone and synthesis of new bone is regulated by hormone and cytokines.

This process loses effectiveness with age in both men and women. Aging is the most common cause of osteoporosis. However, the deterioration is two to three times greater in women than in men because of the menopause. Indeed, during this, the production of estrogenic hormones, which participate in bone remodeling, drops.

Osteoporosis can also be secondary to a disease or treatment. A hyperthyroidisma rheumatoid arthritisor some cancer are likely to trigger an imbalance in bone remodeling and therefore osteoporosis. Similarly, hormonal treatments against breast cancer or the prostate may be the cause of the disease.

Much more rarely, osteoporosis occurs in young adults, between 25 and 30 years old. In this case, it may be a disease of origin genetic. In addition, elements of lifestyle can promote the onset of the pathology, such as excessive consumption of tobacco oralcohol.

What are the symptoms of osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis causes bone deterioration. This is more fragile and fractures more easily during an impact. The disease remains silent…until a fracture occurs. Depending on its location, a fracture can greatly affect the person’s quality of life. reducing his autonomy (immobility). Fractures of the neck of the femur are the most frequent, followed by fractures of the vertebrae and wrists, although all the bones of the skeleton can be affected.

In addition, these fractures can cause pains persistent for patients. The most severe are likely to involve the prognosis vital in the oldest or most fragile.

How to diagnose osteoporosis?

When a fracture occurs in the absence of significant shock, underlying osteoporosis should be suspected. The gold standard for diagnosing the disease is bone densitometry (or bone densitometry). This is a completely painless examination that measures bone density and compares it to standards. If the risk of future fracture is high, preventive treatments will be prescribed.

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