Osman Müftüoğlu gave the recipe for the definitive solution of constipation!

Osman Muftuoglu gave the recipe for the definitive solution of

prof. Dr. Osman Müftüoğlu gave advice on constipation, one of the most frequently complained problems in Turkey. Figs are the main food of the recipe, which should be applied by those who hesitate to express their constipation problems.

Figs against Constipation

Stating that figs are a food that definitely solves the problem of constipation, Müftüoğlu gave the following information:

“Fig is a food rich in vitamins. It has especially vitamin C. It is very rich from the B vitamin group. Again, fig is a very strong fiber source and intestinal friendly, that is, it is anti-constipation. It is a medium size fig, 40-50 calories. 2 or 3 figs a day. It’s enough for you to eat.”


It doesn’t matter if it’s fresh or dried. Chop 2 or 3 dried figs into cubes. Put it in the jar. Add enough olive oil to pass the level of figs in that jar. Put it in the refrigerator. Consume it after 1 or 2 days by crushing it or adding it to your yogurt.



Stating that the peel of the purple fig is very valuable, Müftüoğlu explained the vitamins in the fig as follows:

“Figs are a great food because of the mineral richness in them and the power of the oils in their seeds. When you consume 100 grams of figs, you will meet almost 25-30 percent of your daily magnesium needs and iron needs. Again, when you consume 100 grams of figs, you will need 1 day’s calcium and phosphate, that is, bone strength. You can earn almost 30 percent of your needs.”
