Oslo police are investigating a suspected sword attack – two people were arrested | News in brief

On Sunday night, police said they found a sword in the car of the second suspect. The victim was slightly injured.

On Sunday evening, the police in Oslo, Norway, arrested two people suspected of a knife attack, a Norwegian VG news.

According to the police, the persons attacked the victim with a bladed weapon. The 40-year-old victim was slightly injured and contacted the police himself.

The police launched a search operation in the Rodeløkka area in Oslo to reach the perpetrators, the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation NRK told.

One of the suspects tried to run from the police.

According to the victim, the attackers used a sword in their attack. According to Norwegian media, the police confirmed that they suspect that the knife attack was carried out with a sword.

On Sunday night, police said they found a sword in the car of the second suspect.

The police are investigating. The attackers’ motive is currently unknown.

On Saturday evening, the Oslo police announced in Xthat it arrested two youths in a suspected stabbing incident.
