Os triquetrum: definition, diagram

Os triquetrum definition diagram

The triquetrum bone is a small bone located at the wrist.

Definition: what is the os triquetrum?

The triquetrum bone is a small bone located at the wrist. It is found on the first row of the carpus and articulates with several other bones: the os capitatum, the os lunatum, the os ulna, the os pisiforme and the hamatum (hooked bone). Like all the carpal bones, the triquetrum bone is involved in the mobility of the wrist. It is the bone closest to the spine of the little finger and ring finger. In the old nomenclature, it was called pyramidal before being renamed triquetrum.

Diagram: the triquetrum bone in pictures

Diagram of the triquetrum bone © sante-medicine.net
