Orpo on his visit to Berlin: There is no far-right party in the government

Orpo on his visit to Berlin There is no far right

Orpo makes his first official state visit to Germany at an awkward moment. follows the meeting of government leaders on the spot in Berlin.

BERLIN. Prime minister Petteri Orpo (Kok.) has met the Chancellor of Germany today By Olaf Scholz on a familiarization visit in Berlin. follows the visit on site.

In the German public, it has been discussed, among other things, that the minister of economic affairs had to resign Vilhelm Junnilan (ps.) Nazi connections and the Minister of Finance Riikka Purran (ps.) racist writings of the past years.

Racism, the extreme right and Nazism are especially sensitive topics for Germany for historical reasons.

At the press conference, however, Scholtz assured that relations will continue to be good.

– The relations between Germany and Finland are friendly, and I don’t think that change will happen. We are actively strengthening our relationships.

Current EU and economic issues, the countries’ bilateral relations and the situation in Ukraine have been discussed in the discussions.

This is Orpo’s second trip abroad as prime minister. In June, he visited Iceland for a meeting of the prime ministers of the Nordic countries.

Support for the far-right party is growing in Germany

In Germany, the entire spring and summer has been under the cover of extremist movements, especially the extreme right increase in popularity.

The far-right party AfD, or Alternative for Germany, has clearly improved its position in opinion polls. The party’s support is great, especially in East Germany. In the whole country, it already has more support in the polls than the Democratic party leading the government.

If elections were held now, the AfD could become Germany’s second largest party after the conservative CDU.

At the press conference, Scholtz said that he believes that Aft will not get into power.

– Afp will not be successful in Germany. The majority supports democracy.

Orpo and Scholz know each other from the last decade, when they were both finance ministers of their countries. They met regularly in the Ecofin and Eurogroups in Brussels and Luxembourg.

More on the topic:

The writings of “Riika” also made headlines around the world.

The opposition calls for the assembly of the parliament – the RKP discussed Purra’s racist writings and the government’s situation in the evening.
