Orpo communicated to the hosts that Ukraine’s support will not decrease with the change of government

Orpo communicated to the hosts that Ukraines support will not

reporter Antti Kuronen followed Prime Minister Petteri Orpo’s visit in Kyiv, whose main message was to continue supporting Ukraine.

Prime minister Petteri Orpo (coc.) fell silent in front of the monument to the fallen soldiers in Kiev.

The images of hundreds of fallen soldiers remind us of the harsh reality of war.

Prime Minister Orpo started his surprise visit to Ukraine in a hopeful context. He visited Irpin on the outskirts of Kyiv. There, Finland has built apartments for two hundred people who lost their homes. The apartments have received a positive reception.

The core of the visit was still the meeting with the president to Volodymyr Zelensky with.

Zelenskyi opened up about the frontline situation and talked about Ukraine’s needs. At a joint press conference, he thanked Finland for its extensive military and other support.

Finland is about to announce its eighteenth aid package. The armed support given so far exceeds one billion euros. According to Prime Minister Orpo, the emphasis in armed support is heavy armament and ammunition.

Zelenskyi and Orpo also discussed the future. Ukraine wants as much arms industry as possible in Ukraine.

Zelenskyi said it is a necessary deterrent in the future.

– We must have such a strong defense that Russia does not dare to attack again after this war ends.

Prime Minister Orpo said that Ukraine’s place is in the West. Finland supports Ukraine’s integration into the EU and NATO.

Orpo spoke about the similarities between Finland’s winter war and Russia’s war of aggression.

– Finland fought, as Ukraine is fighting now, summed up the Prime Minister.

The main message of the visit was that Finland’s line regarding supporting Ukraine will not change in the new government.
