Orpea in the crosshairs of the French State

Orpea in the crosshairs of the French State

A vast control operation “Will be carried out by the executive within Orpea, the number one French group of private establishments for the elderly, accused of abuse, in a shocking book-investigation by journalist Victor Castanet.

The leaders of the private group of the leader of the Ehpad, the Accommodation establishments for dependent elderly people (Ehpad), were summoned this Tuesday, February 1 by Brigitte Bourguignon, the Minister responsible for the Autonomy of the elderly.

The general manager for France, Jean-Christophe Romersi, and the new CEO, Philippe Charrier, had to explain themselves to the serious dysfunctions and the mistreatments which would have taken place in the lucrative establishments of Orpea. Accusations that the company listed on Euronext refutes, after dismissing its general manager Yves Le Masne on Sunday January 30.

These abuses have been denounced in a survey book The Gravediggers, by journalist Victor Castanet published last week by Fayard editions, which caused a shock wave. During this interview, the Minister “ expressed his anger ” and ” the government’s indignation at the serious and intolerable practices and dysfunctions “, in a press release. A ” extensive investigation will be conducted within Orpea by Igas, the General Inspectorate of Social Affairs and the General Inspectorate of Finance (IGF), also declared the Minister.

► To read also: Old age in France: Orpéa officials summoned to the ministry, open investigations

Serious malfunctions and abuse

In his book, the journalist calls into question Orpea, one of the main world players in the care of dependency, with 1,156 establishments in 23 countries in Europe, including 586 in France. The author denounces, with supporting testimonials from nursing staff, the deplorable living conditions of the residents of Orpea, veritable ” milk cows “, according to him, of a lucrative system that escapes control. More broadly, he points to the excesses of the private model of retirement homes which make a lot of money on the backs of dependent elderly people, and often unable to defend their rights. Poorly cared for and neglected patients, rationed nappies, limited food, supernumerary filling, understaffed staff… The list of complaints is long. And this while Orpea benefits from ” 300 million public money paid each year “.

► Also to listen: Are our seniors neglected?

To understand where the excesses are, you should know that the pricing system for retirement homes in France has three main components: accommodation, dependency and care. The care part is covered 100% by health insurance. This means that even in the private sector, the salaries of doctors, nurses and 70% of the salaries of nursing assistants are financed by the state. Health products are also paid for through annual public grants. Each establishment receives between one and two million euros to pay all of these costs. However, some of them make margins on these subsidies, completely illegally, again according to Victor Castanet’s investigation.

If there is a shortage of nursing staff, private establishments can hire with their own funds, but they rarely do so, according to critics. Admittedly, the sector is struggling to recruit staff whose working conditions are difficult and poorly remunerated, but that does not explain everything.

Financing of dependency and accommodation

Dependency, that is to say the acts of everyday life: getting up, going to bed, meals are provided by the caregivers. Each establishment receives an envelope according to the needs of the residents it declares. For example, if he estimates that he needs 5 diapers per day per person of a certain quality, he will be funded accordingly. But nothing makes it possible to check that the retirement home provides its protections well or that it does not cut corners on quality to pay less.

Another problem is that of the amount of benefits. Some private structures charge very high, even exorbitant, monthly accommodation costs, the rates being totally free in the private sector. They amount to between 6,000 and 12,000 euros per month for the most expensive, we read in The Gravediggers by Vincent Castanet. This price covers the accommodation according to its size, maintenance and restoration. It is one of the most profitable parameters for a private structure.

Disconnect between public and private

There are other gaps between the public and the private. For example, private establishments can refuse to take in recipients of social housing assistance (ASH), who have few means andrelateleast to retirement homes. But public nursing homes have an obligation to accept them. Actors in the sector therefore plead for a fundamental reflection to be carried out so that the same rules apply in the public and private sectors.

► Also to listen: The beguinage, an alternative to nursing homes for the elderly

Once again, private for-profit establishments are little controlled by regional health agencies… This dysfunction was denounced in 2019 in a report on old age by Dominique Libault, former director of Social Security. Some specialists even call for controls to be strengthened and carried out by an independent authority. Parliamentarians even want impromptu visits to take place in these establishments.

For their part, staff and families of residents are preparing to file a class action against Orpea. As for the author of this moving book, which has not finished making ink flow, he would have received threats and a juicy proposal from an intermediary of the group, he says on Franceinfo, “15 million euros to stop his investigation“.
