Orlando: from INL photography report illegality, security at risk

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(Finance) – The annual report of the national labor inspectorate (Inl) it is “an important photograph of the country, of exploitation, of undeclared and undeclared work. Also of the work done by the inspectorate itself, which has grown in this year”.

Thus the Minister of Labor, Andrea Orlando.Increase the number of inspections – he says – with an ad hoc decree we have strengthened this institution, which will arrive at the end of this year to an implementation of its own staff of 65%. In these hours the inspectorate is doing a lot, going to the workplaces, to the areas most affected by the tourist and agricultural season. It is bringing out situations of serious illegality and violations that jeopardize the safety of workers.

“It’s an effort we have to make, it makes sense to the word dignity of work and on which our democracy must be founded“, he concluded.
