Orlandini (BPER): AI brings productivity, but a gradual approach is needed

Orlandini BPER AI brings productivity but a gradual approach is

(Finance) – “Change has always been there, but compared to the past, changes are increasingly faster today, just think of artificial intelligence (AI). Revolutions have typically brought about better change, with greater productivity. And the productivity is the essential issue today, because we are in a particular geopolitical context, with an important inflationary issue and a demographic problem. These things put together lead to lower productivity and lower well-being.AI, which is an extreme use of data, could lead to recovering productivity and fight inflation”. He stated this Grazia OrlandiniHead of Investment and Investment Products of the Group BPER Bankduring the annual congress of Assiom Forex, the association of financial market operators, underway in Genoa.

Orlandini recognized that fear is often “the attack on the human world by AI” and it is necessary “focus on what AI can’t do“, “looking for new skills: we now need something visionary, and no longer analytical, because AI now does many things”.

“I believe companies should embrace AI gradually“, but “if the customer perceives an increase in the level of service through technology I don’t see why he should reject it – he explained – But certainly the embrace must be gradual, because if I accelerate when we are not yet in the presence of a mature technology there it is the risk of a strategic error.”

On the subject of innovations for the banking world, the discussion also touched on the topic of the central bank’s digital currency. “L’digital euro doesn’t scare me any more than other very digital systemswith young people now managing money only through apps – said Orlandini – We need to think about these systems more broadly, and then the regulators will help us with grounding”.
