Organ-shaped ice cubes to raise awareness of excessive alcohol consumption

Organ shaped ice cubes to raise awareness of excessive alcohol consumption

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    Teeth or a lung ravaged by tobacco, a body sent to the morgue… We are well aware of the gory images presented on cigarette packets in an attempt to prevent smoking. In China, an awareness campaign on excessive alcohol consumption adapted the concept of shock representation with ice cubes in the shape of organs.

    The shocking images on cigarette packs, we have known since 2011. If the visuals have been renewed since to encourage more smokers to make the decision to quit, it is clear that we no longer really pay attention to them. In Canada, the authorities have also decided to go further by printing a warning message directly on each cigarette as of August 1st.

    What if we applied the principle of images to try to eradicate other major public health issues? Take excessive alcohol consumption. In the United Kingdom, television culture is based on shocking images to prevent road accidents. Road safety awareness campaigns have reference value because they make an impression with their very direct, sometimes gory scenarios.

    On the other side of the planet, in China, people will no doubt wince as much when they discover the principle of an operation to raise awareness of a healthier life. The campaign materializes ice cubes in the form of organs immersed in a glass of whiskey. A liver, a heart or a kidney… Impossible to be mistaken with this publicity stunt orchestrated by the Shanghai Pilot Health Promotion Center and the advertising agency BBDO China. The message is clear : “if your daily alcohol consumption exceeds 60 to 100g, you are more likely to develop liver cancerAnother recommends drinking to life, not to death. such images on their bottles.

    Remember also that from December 8, the bottles of wine sold in France will present labels including the list of ingredients but also the possible presence of allergens and any nutritional information. They will thus be considered like any other food product. From there to drawing vital organs to prevent the risk of cancer, we are far…
