Organ donation: June 22 is the right day to talk about it!

Organ donation June 22 is the right day to talk

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    Each year, June 22 is the National Day of Reflection on Organ Donation and Transplantation. The Biomedicine Agency therefore invites the general public to talk about it and in particular to tell their loved ones if they wish to donate their organs after their death.

    Due to its link with death, the subject of organ donation is difficult to broach. However, it is a conversation that it is important to discuss with those close to you because if 80% of the population is in favor of organ donation, in fact, one in three removals is prevented by the relatives of the deceased person. , who oppose donations in doubt, when the subject has never been discussed.

    June 22, a day to talk about it!

    To increase the number of lives that can be saved by organ donation, the Biomedicine Agency therefore encourages all French people to discuss the subject on June 22, the national day of reflection on organ donation and transplantation. , and recognition to donors.

    Indeed, for each donor collected, these are “5 to 7 people who can benefit from a vital organ transplant“. In total, in 2022, 5495 people were saved.

    Organ donation, a gesture that concerns everyone

    But beyond these saved lives, nearly 10,000 people are still waiting for a transplant today.

    “Everyone is concerned by this approach, because the donation of organs and tissues can be done at any age, regardless of their state of health, and, for tissues, regardless of the conditions of death. same way that everyone can be transplanted, everyone can donate!” reminds the Agency.

    And by having already given his point of view on the question to his relatives, in the event of death, this relieves the relatives at the time of their consultation by the medical teams. For Marine Jeantet, Director General of the Biomedicine Agency: “To give more chances to patients waiting for a transplant, we must reduce the number of potential donors who were not harvested even though they had not opposed organ donation during their lifetime. There aren’t many areas where talking about it is enough to save lives!”
