Orbán: Hungary supports Sweden’s NATO membership | Foreign countries

The European Parliament wants to take away Hungarys right to

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán calls on his country’s parliament to accept the Swedish military alliance as a member of NATO.

Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orbán says that he wants Sweden’s NATO membership to be ratified by his country’s parliament as soon as possible. Orbán writes about it in the message service X.

The Hungarian Prime Minister says that he discussed the situation in Sweden by phone with the Secretary General of NATO Jens Stoltenberg with.

Stoltenberg also thanks Orbán in X.

– The Prime Minister and his government’s clear support for Sweden’s NATO membership is welcome. I look forward to the ratification as soon as the parliament meets again.

The Hungarian Parliament is currently on winter break, but it is possible to convene it under a state of emergency even during the break.

The pressure on Hungary is growing

Together with Finland, Sweden applied for NATO membership in May 2022. The decision to join was preceded by Russia’s attack on Ukraine in February.

However, Sweden’s membership has so far not materialized due to the opposition of Hungary and Turkey.

Sweden’s NATO membership was approved on Tuesday evening in the Turkish parliament, and the pressure on Hungary has now increased.

Hungary has repeatedly said that it will not be the last NATO country to accept Sweden’s membership.

In Turkey, the ratification of Sweden’s NATO membership still requires the president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan approval and publication in the official gazette of the state.

Sources: Reuters, AFP
