Orbán has not received authorization for his meeting with Putin – Just arrived in Moscow | News in brief

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has just arrived in Moscow.

Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orbán has not received authorization from the European Council for his meeting with the Russian president Vladimir Putin with. The matter is explained by the EU’s foreign policy high representative Josep Borrell in his statement On the website of the European External Action Service.

According to the EU, Orbán will visit Russia exclusively within the framework of bilateral relations between Hungary and Russia.

Hungary won the rotating presidency of the EU Council on Monday, and the next day Orbán met with the president of Ukraine to Volodymyr Zelensky in Kiev. Borrell emphasizes that the management of foreign relations does not belong to the rotating presidency of the EU.

Orbán has just arrived in Moscow, where he plans to meet Putin.

Sources: STT-AFP, Reuters
