Opposition maintains lead despite loss

Opposition maintains lead despite loss
full screen The Social Democrats’ party leader Magdalena Andersson (S) at the fall’s first party leader debate in the Riksdag. Archive image. Photo: Anders Wiklund/TT

The Social Democrats lose 1.4 percentage points and land at 37.0 percent in the September survey from Novus that Svenska Dagbladet commissioned. However, it is still far above the election results and the opposition maintains its lead over the government.

– That is an extreme understatement for the government, says Novus CEO Torbjörn Sjöström to SvD.

Both the Moderates and the Sweden Democrats are increasing but are below their election results. In total, the Tidö parties get 43.9 percent against the opposition’s 54.4 percent.

L, KD and C fall under the parliamentary blockade. The Liberals get 3.0 percent, which is statistically certain. The “extremely low” confidence in Johan Pehrson obscures the party’s politics, according to Torbjörn Sjöström.

Support for the Green Party continues to increase and stands at 5.7 percent.
