opponents of the Asylum and Immigration law in the streets this Sunday

thirty two left wing departments refuse to apply the immigration law

New day of mobilization against the Asylum and Immigration law, this Sunday in France. The text, adopted a month ago, by Parliament is in the hands of the constitutional council which must render its decision next Thursday. In the meantime, opponents of this law, accused of espousing the politics of the extreme right, intend to maintain the pressure.

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Four days before a long-awaited decision by the Constitutional Council, these opponents of this text, accused of an ideological victory for the far-right, hope to unite beyond the traditional activist sphere to put pressure on the government.

More than 160 marches are planned across the country, including one in Paris at 2 p.m. (1 p.m. GMT). In Paris, a banner “Liberty, equality, fraternity. No to the asylum immigration law” should lead the way.

The call was initially launched by 201 personalities (actors, writers, journalists, trade unionists…). “ Concerned with unity and solidarity rather than endless division of our society, we ask the President of the Republic not to promulgate this law”, write the authors of the appeal. For signatories from all walks of life, the law “was written at the dictation of hate mongers who dream of imposing their project of ‘national preference’ on France.” The text includes many controversial measuressuch as the tightening of access to social benefits, the establishment of migration quotas or the reestablishment of the “crime of illegal residence”.

Read alsoFrance: what is contained in the draft immigration law adopted in Parliament

From, calls to join the movement are increasing. That of 300 elected officials from left-wing and environmentalist parties who are demanding the abandonment of a law which flouts the principles resulting from the French revolution. Or even citizen or professional organizations that feel concerned, directly or indirectly.

A thousand restaurateurs came together to support opponents of the Immigration law. Juan Pablo Rojas Pineda is one of them…

Demonstration against immigration law: restaurateurs join the movement

Marie Casadebaig

The demonstrations of the 21st must demonstrate that public opinion is not with the racists and fascists “, urged the activist collective “Marche des solidarités” on Friday, on the front line in the streets for several weeks. On January 14, thousands of people had already marched to demand “ total withdrawal » of this text and maintain the “ pressure » before the decision of the Constitutional Council, at the call of associations defending immigrants.

Read alsoImmigration: according to a collective, the Darmanin law will push thousands of families into great poverty

The executive could quickly promulgate this text, voted in mid-December, notably with the votes of the far-right National Rally party, unless there is complete and surprise censorship by the Constitutional Council on January 25.
