opponent Lisanga Bonganga indicted for insulting President Tshisekedi

opponent Lisanga Bonganga indicted for insulting President Tshisekedi

In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Jean-Pierre Lisanga Bonganga, former Minister of Relations with Parliament was charged this week with insulting the president and spreading false rumors. Still in the background, the statements of Martin Fayulu, of which he is a support, on the salaries of deputies.

The Kinshasa-Matete general prosecutor’s office is suing opponent Jean-Pierre Lisanga Bonganga for comments that date back to 2019. He then declared that ” Tshisekedi did not have power, that Fayulu had won the presidential election and that it was Joseph Kabila who held the empire “, can we read in the indictment.

However, for Jean-Pierre Lisanga Bonganga, this lawsuit is motivated by his recent support for the remarks of the opponent Martin Fayulu who affirmed that the Congolese deputies received a salary of 21,000 dollars each. The opponent denounces a relentlessness.

Read also : in the DRC, how did Martin Fayulu calculate the salaries of deputies?

It’s a totally political affair, it’s not worth instrumentalizing justice for (that) », the opponent is indignant at the microphone of our correspondent, Pascal Mulegwarecalling that these are comments made in “ September 2019, when I left the Tshibala government… No one can contradict me today because the future ended up proving me right! »

Today, the case has taken on other dimensions which depend on the law. At the time, the hearing at the prosecutor’s office was not even over… I am surprised today (at the magnitude of this case) », continues Jean-Pierre Lisanga Bonnganga.

When President Fayulu raised the matter of the 21,000 dollars and saw how I hammered to give reason to President Fayulu, you immediately understand that it is relentlessness. »

Read also: The controversy swells over the salary of deputies in the Democratic Republic of Congo
