Oppenheimer is now smashing sci-fi masterpieces too, but one of the best superhero movies remains out of reach

Oppenheimer is now smashing sci fi masterpieces too but one of

The Barbenheimer hype has boosted Christopher Nolan’s new blockbuster to unprecedented financial heights. The dramatic biopic about the inventor of the atomic bomb is continues on an impressive road to success and has topped another record set by the director himself in the USA.

Oppenheimer is more successful in the US than Inception

According to Collider, Oppenheimer has now totaled in the US over the past weekend over $293 million recorded. This makes the film more successful than Inception with Leonardo DiCaprio from 2010. At that time, the sci-fi cracker had a US box office total of over 292 million dollars.

In the Nolan ranking, Oppenheimer has ranked third behind The Dark Knight (533 million) and The Dark Knight Rises (448 million). For colliders it is unlikely that the blockbuster tops the two Batman films.

Internationally, too, Inception will soon be overtaken by Oppenheimer

Globally, Nolan’s latest film isn’t far from Inception’s overall success. While the sci-fi blockbuster has sold over 825 million, Oppenheimer is already scratching the 800 million mark in this category. The triumph here is only a matter of time.

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