Operation “clean beaches”, the first data on Minister Salvini’s table

Operation clean beaches the first data on Minister Salvinis table

(Finance) – It began in mid-June and will end on September 17thsafe sea operation 2023conducted as every year by Guard Coastal. With the monitoring constant and on the directive of the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Infrastructure and Transport Matteo Salvini, checks and presence at sea are being carried out to supervise the summer of Italians and tourists who spend their holidays in our country.

Coast Guard activities covered well 85,000 m2 between beaches and stretches of sea illegally occupied, which have been returned to free use by citizens. We intervened above all in those bathing establishments which, going beyond the concession, occupy state-owned areas which are instead public assets.

In addition, more than 150 thousand controls on boats And bathing facilities, imposed 6,141 sanctions and reported as many as 284 reports of crimes, in the most serious cases. Finally, in the monitoring activity at sea, 351 pleasure boats were rescued and 1,161 people saved
