Openjobmetis, information on share buy-back

Openjobmetis information on share buy back

(Finance) – Openjobmetisfrom 21 to 25 March 2022, with reference to the plan adopted with a resolution approved by the Shareholders’ Meeting on 30 April 2021 and initiated by the Board of Directors with a resolution of 14 May 2021, communicated that purchased 1,439 treasury shares at the average price of 11.7682 euros, for a countervalue equal to € 16,934.41.

Following the transactions carried out, the employment agency currently holds a total of 360,633 of its own, equal to 2.6301% of the share capital.

Meanwhile, on the Milanese price list, Openjobmetis extends earnings compared to the previous session, settling at 11.9 euros.
