(Finance) – With reference to thepartial voluntary public takeover offer promoted by Openjobmetis on a maximum of 1,500,000 OJM shares without nominal value, have been received in acceptance of the Offer 741,147 Shares, equal to approximately 49.41% of the Shares Subject to the Offer and approximately 5.54% of the capital social of the Issuer.
Since, based on the provisional results of the Offer, the number of Shares tendered is lower than the number of shares subject to the offer (1,500,000 Shares), OJM will purchase all the Shares tendered to the Offer without the need to apply the allotment procedure.
The Consideration is equal to 9 euros per share tendered for the Offer e will be paid on September 15, 2023. Based on the six provisional results of the Offer and taking into account the shares already held by the Issuer as of today, OJM will come to hold a total of 1,083,906 Treasury Sharescorresponding to 8.11% of the capital social of the Issuer.