opening and closing times, how to find it, papers to present… Know everything

opening and closing times how to find it papers to

VOTE PLACE. On June 12 and 19, 2022, the legislative elections will take place. Voters will therefore have to go to a polling station again. Schedules, locations, documents… Here is everything you need to know to be able to go and deposit your ballot in the ballot box.

It is soon the return to the polls for the French. Indeed, on Sunday June 12, 2022, voters are called upon to vote for the first round of the legislative elections, in order to designate the deputy who will represent their constituency for the next five years. Less than two months after having renewed Emmanuel Macron as President of the Republic, a new electoral meeting is therefore organized to compose the future lower house of parliament. It is, once again, up to nearly 49 million people who are expected to go to the polls. But the participation rate is given barely around 50%.

As before each election, various questions arise around the polling stations. How to find his? From what time is it open? What is the closing time? What documents do I need to present to be able to vote? So many questions on which Linternaute answers you. But if you have already taken part in the ballot for the presidential election, no big change is to be expected.

What is the opening time of the polling station?

Are you in a hurry to vote? A common rule governs the opening time of polling stations during elections, whether legislative or not. In all the places in France where it is possible to deposit a ballot, the opening time is fixed at 8 am sharp.

What is the closing time of the polling station?

If the opening time is common to all the polling stations, the closing time, on the other hand, diverges. Concretely, the schedule set for the closing of the poll is not the same whether it is a question of the big cities or the rest of France. In the vast majority of municipalities in the country, polling stations close their doors at 6 p.m., 7 p.m. or even 8 p.m. depending on the size of the municipality. Voters in large cities, such as Paris, Lyon, Marseille, Bordeaux, Lille, Toulouse, Rennes, Strasbourg or Nice will be able to vote until 8 p.m.

If you traveled to vote in the presidential elections, your polling station did not, a priori, change location. So just go to the same place as last April 10 and 24, near you. However, if you are in doubt, don’t panic. It is very easy to find your polling station. First, the address is written on your voter card. If you no longer have it (which is not prohibitive to be able to vote, read below), the service-public site (here) allows you to very easily find the address of your polling station by indicating your location residence and some identity information. All you have to do then is move to the ballot box.

What documents must be presented at the polling station?

Again, this is the same regulation as for the presidential election. When arriving at the polling station, you must present your voter’s card and an identity document. However, the first is not mandatory. On the other hand, the second, yes, whether it is an identity card, a passport (even expired less than five years ago), a driving license or even a vital card with Photo.

In municipalities with less than 1000 inhabitants, the identity document is not compulsory “but in case of doubt, the president of the polling station may ask you to prove your identity by any means”, indicates the administration.
