OpenAI’s Google rival search engine announced: “SearchGPT”

OpenAIs Google rival search engine announced SearchGPT

OpenAI‘s long-standing agenda Google rival search system/engine “SearchGPT” has been officially announced.

Generative AI-based chatbot ChatGPT This frightens Google, which controls the visible face of the internet, OpenAI, announced the prototype today SearchGPT made a noise with. Having internet access, being able to give clear and quick answers to questions on current issues SearchGPT, a search system or engineunfortunately, it is not currently available to everyone. It has not yet been announced when the system will be put into widespread use, can provide visual answers to questions as well as written answers And clearly shows the sources used when creating an answerThe system also supports follow-up questions, and unlike ChatGPT, it focuses more on general questions and current events. From the link here Open AI CEO Sam Altman made a statement about SearchGPT, which can be added to the waiting list: “I think we can make search infrastructures much better than they are today. I adapted to the new system much more quickly than the old-school search infrastructures, and that surprised me.” said. OpenAI, which has established significant partnerships with Microsoft behind the Bing search engineis not the only company that wants to include artificial intelligence in the search process. Google has also been developing an artificial intelligence-based search system for a long time. However, Google’s Things are not going as planned in the next generation search infrastructure.


OpenAI previously released the GPT-4o Mini language model made a splash with. The new model is smaller than the GPT-4o introduced in recent months, It can be used more cheaply because it is small. The “Mini”, which looks good for companies and developers that do not have large budgets and users, replaces GPT-3.5 Turbo, according to the statement. OpenAI Before that, it attracted attention with a special project. OpenAI A new technology called the “Strawberry” project is reportedly having reasoning ability And able to conduct detailed research on the internet The project is focused on developing more advanced AI models. The project’s goals include developing AI models for more complex tasks. allowing it to automatically scan the internet to plan ahead.

ChatGPT with Strawberry projecthuman-like reasoning and problem solving” he wants to bring talent The company has made a splash in recent weeks with its new model called “CriticGPT”. “We trained a new model called CriticGPT to detect errors in the codes generated by GPT-4. The system will help people supervise AI on difficult tasks.” who made the statement OpenAIdoes not focus directly on the end user here.

But the improvements here will benefit everyone. There are real people reviewing the software codes created by ChatGPT, CriticGPT is here specifically to make those people’s lives easier. CriticGPT, based on GPT-4, analyzes generated codes and points out possible errors, allowing it to detect some errors that humans would not normally notice, according to the company’s statement. makes it easierAmong OpenAI’s biggest goals is to reach the level of artificial general intelligence.
