OpenAI looks to have surpassed $3 billion in annual revenue

OpenAI looks to have surpassed 3 billion in annual revenue

The most important technology company of recent years that developed ChatGPT OpenAIas if it has surpassed 3 billion dollars on an annual basis looks.

It calculated how much money OpenAI would make over the course of a year based on its current revenue and growth. Accordingly, the company is preparing to leave behind an annual revenue of 3.4 billion dollars. The company, which announced a revenue of $1.6 billion at the end of last year and $1 billion a year ago, allegedly generates most of its $3.4 billion from paid ChatGPT subscriptions. OpenAI, which partnered with Microsoft for the Copilot system, It is claimed that he earns an annual income of 200 million dollars from here. However, the company has high server costs to keep its productive artificial intelligence systems running. The company, whose profitability level is thought to be low for this reason, had previously made a splash with an Apple news regarding income. For Apple’s ChatGPT partnership with OpenAI for the iOS 18 operating system It turned out that he did not pay money to the company output. As far as it is reported, Apple, He thinks there’s more value in bringing OpenAI’s brand and ChatGPT system to millions of iPhones. OpenAI, which will bring its technologies to many more people thanks to Apple, does not currently receive money from Apple, but can make much more money in the long run from this partnership. Because people who start using ChatGPT on iPhone, To benefit more from the system, you can purchase paid ChatGPT packages.


Apple itself says the following about the step taken on the basis of Apple Intelligence: conveys: “Apple is integrating ChatGPT access into experiences offered with iOS 18, iPadOS 18, and macOS Sequoia. In this way, users can access both ChatGPT’s expertise and visual and text comprehension features without switching between tools. Siri can call on ChatGPT’s expertise when necessary. Consent is obtained from the user before questions and any documents or photos are sent to ChatGPT, after which Siri delivers the answer directly. ChatGPT will also be integrated into system-wide Writing Tools. Writing Tools will help users create content about the things they write. With Compose, users will be able to access ChatGPT visual tools and produce images in different styles that complement their writing.

Built-in privacy protections are offered for users accessing ChatGPT. Requests are not recorded by OpenAI and users’ IP addresses are kept private. Users who want to link their accounts are bound by ChatGPT’s data usage policies. ChatGPT with GPT-4o support will come to iOS 18, iPadOS 18 and macOS Sequoia later this year. Users will be able to access this feature for free, without creating an account. ChatGPT subscribers will be able to connect their accounts and benefit from paid features in these experiences.”
