Google passes a course by integrating a new feature into one of its most used applications. Five symbols that could avoid many problems on the road.
The figures speak for themselves. According to a study by the Association of French Highway Companies (ASFA), almost 30 % of fatal accidents on the highway in 2022 were due to a poor appreciation of traffic conditions. Poor visibility, a slippery road or a blocked road can quickly transform a trivial journey into a real trap. And if Google Maps already offered a very useful report service, the Mountain View firm does not intend to stop there. According to the Specialized Android Police site, a novelty has just appeared for some users on Android Auto and iOS. His goal? Go even further in prevention and assistance to motorists.
Deployed gradually, this update is part of a broader strategy for the integration of artificial intelligence in Google’s navigation services. The company has already enriched Maps of better recognition of points of interest, of optimized routes according to real -time traffic and even a suggestion of activities based on your habits. But this time, these are not tourist recommendations or restaurants.
This new feature directly concerns journeys. Drivers will now have the possibility of reporting particularly dangerous conditions, such as a flooded road, low visibility or even unlocked road. And that’s not all, disasters such as floods, forest fires, tropical storms, hurricanes, typhoons or earthquakes are also included, identifiable using red and white symbols, particularly telling. This novelty had already been the subject of a test in 2019, when important floods had struck Spain. It was then possible to click on the symbol to obtain precious information such as the time of the incident, but also a link to local police reports or various press articles. In short, valuable information to adapt your route and avoid risk areas.
At a time when the Waze application seems to extinguish all competition in real time, it seems that Google has not said its last word. A novelty that should facilitate your journeys and preserve, a little more, your safety.