Open Fiber brings ultra-broadband to San Giovanni Teatino

Open Fiber brings ultra broadband to San Giovanni Teatino

(Finance) – Open Fiber He has made San Giovanni Teatino (Abruzzo) a new ultra-broadband network of over 54 kilometers, which connected 7,840 real estate units with FTTH technology (fiber to the home). The works, with the economic contribution of the Abruzzo Region, are part of the Infratel calls of the BUL plan to bring ultra-broadband to the white areas of the Region, through a new public network, and involve municipalities from all the Abruzzo provinces.

In fact, Open Fiber is building in the so-called “white areas” object of the three Infratel calls, with the economic contribution of the regions involved, an infrastructure that aims to reduce the digital divide providing connectivity services to millions of homes throughout Italy. The project was illustrated this morning in the presence of Angelo Radica, Vice President of the Province of Chieti, Marco Pasini, Head of Network & Operations Abruzzo Open Fiber and the Mayor Giorgio Di Clemente.

“We are happy to finally be able to kick off this project on our territory that we have been waiting for for a long time – declares the Mayor Giorgio Di Clemente – Unfortunately, the problem linked to the covid and some problems relating to the installation, such as the crossings on private areas, have delayed the conclusion of the entry into operation of the new ultra-broadband network. Today, however, we are confident that we will be able to meet the needs of commercial activities and of the private citizen“.

“Our goal is to reduce the digital divide in white areas of Abruzzo that for years suffered from the lack of an ultra-broadband infrastructure at the height future challenges – declared Marco Pasini, Network & Operations Manager Abruzzo Open Fiber – In the province of Chieti the works are proceeding quickly and the Municipality of San Giovanni Teatino with its 7,800 real estate units is added to other 50 municipalities in the province already served for a total of over 43 thousand real estate units available for the activation of the service “.
