Open Fiber brings ultra-broadband to homes: also working to incentivize fiber adoption

Open Fiber brings ultra broadband to homes also working to incentivize

(Finance) – In Italy there is now a good availability of FTTH fiber opticthe network that reaches directly into homes and allows you to surf at gigabit speeds, but is still little used. Open Fiber in just 8 years since its foundation it has connected over 15 million real estate units via fibre optics, reaching 240 large and medium-sized cities and about 5,000 small municipalities and has put in place a series of strategies commercial to promote the use of this network.

“Both the Italian government and the European community are working very effectively to be able to guide what is a digitalisation path, both at European and Italian level – he declared Mauro AccroglianoDirector of the residential market of Open Fiber –. Today we are at a time in Italy, also through Open Fiber which has developed 130,000 km of fiber and covered many municipalities, we are at a level of infrastructure that is equal to about 56% of the population. This is a level that is very close to the European average and where there has been a recovery of the gap over many years”.

“What is a little bit lower at the moment is the take-upthat is, the use of fibre infrastructure by Italian families – Accrogliano underlined –. Today we are only at 27% compared to a European average of 50-55%. Open Fiber is developing, together with the operators, a whole series of business precisely to speed up the take up process. For example, in the black areas, in the big cities where we are in competition, Open Fiber is working with the operators precisely to be able to develop commercial offers together in relation to what their positioning competitive and also be able to accelerate the dynamics of customer migration from the ADSL world to the FTTH world”.

“In the areas whitethose with market failure, small centers and villages, where Open Fiber has won public tenders and has therefore developed its network on approximately 8 million housing units, which are also the most difficult areas to penetrate, Open Fiber has implemented a series of actions specifically to help operators accelerate take up in these areas – he explained -. The first could be to develop some voucher towards the end customer: the end customer who activates a fiber line with any partner operator can have a discount, a voucher, by going to the Open Fiber website. Or by making some activity towards the operators by describing in more detail the municipalities on which we are able to activate more easily. Or, finally, an activity that we have recently developed, which is to significantly improve the Customer Experience of the customer by systematically informing him of the times and methods of his activation”.

“One of the initiatives, always in the Wholesale perspective that goes directly to speak to citizens and businesses in the territory through our partners, is that ofOpen Fiber Tour. These are two campers that we have made available to our partners – one for the small towns of Sicily and the other for those in the Marche and in Abruzzo – precisely to ensure that we can increasingly spread the concept of Fiber and directly activate customers or families who want it on site”.
