Opa Piovan: Automation Systems closes 98.91%, ok to Delisting

Opa Piovan the offer document filed at Consob

(Finance) – The opa of automation system on Piovan It ended with the achievement of 98.91% of the company’s capital, for which Delisting is expected, as of 3 April.

On the basis of the final results of the offer communicated by Intesa Sanpaolo -Division IMI Corporate & Investment Banking, in its quality of intermediary in charge of the coordination of the collection of adhesions, reads a note, at the end of the period, are brought to membership about 30.07% of the capital of Piovan and about 96.52% of the shares covered by the offer, for a total counterpoint of over 225.6 million.

Taking into account the initial participation already detained and the proper shares, at the end of the offer, automation system will take about 98.91% of Piovan’s capital.
