OPA Civitanavi Systems, 90% capital threshold reached

Civitanavi Intermonte raises target price and confirms Buy

(Finance) – With reference to the public purchase offer (OPA) voluntary and totalitarian on Civitanavi Systemsa group listed on Euronext Milan and active in the field of inertial navigation and stabilization systems, the offeror will come to hold, as a result of the offer, a aggregate participation greater than 90% of the share capital.

Therefore, having declared the intention of not wanting to reconstitute a sufficient free float to ensure the regular progress of negotiations, subject to the fulfillment or waiver of the Offer Conditions other than the TULPS Condition and the CoC Condition (which have already occurred), the offeror will fulfill the obligation to purchase.

The membership period, as extended, will end at 5:30 p.m. (Italian time) on August 9, 2024.
