The 2023 Ontario 55+ Summer Games will kick off with the opening ceremonies on Aug. 9 at the Wayne Gretzky Sports Center.
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The City of Brantford and County of Brant are co-hosting the games, which run until Aug. 11.
Both communities will welcome more than 1,000 participants, including athletes, coaches, support staff, officials and spectators for the Games.
Athletes from across the province will compete in 18 events, including five-pin bowling, bid euchre, billiards, bocce, carpet bowling, contract bridge, cribbage, cycling, darts, euchre, golf, lawn bowling, pickleball, running, shuffleboard, slo pitch, swimming, tennis and walking.
“We are thrilled to host this year’s edition of the Ontario 55+ Summer Games, where age is no barrier to showcasing your athletic prowess, indomitable spirit, and zest for life,” Matt Cuthbert, games coordinator for Brantford, said in a news release .
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“During the games, participants will have the opportunity to compete in their chosen sport, forging new friendships and memories that will last a lifetime.”
Opening ceremonies, held from 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm will include a parade of athletes, local entertainment, video presentations, the athletes’ oath, and the declaration of the opening of the Games with the lighting of the Games cauldron.
Sports competitions take place on Aug. 10 and 11, held at 15 venues in Brantford and Brant County.
The public is invited to attend the opening ceremonies and all the competitions free of charge. For a detailed list of competitions, locations, news and updates about the Games, visit brantfordbrantgames.ca
The event can also be followed by visiting the 2023 Ontairo 55+ Summer Games on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and use the hashtag #brantfordbrantgames
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The Ontario 55+ Summer Games, supported by the Ontario government through its Games Ontario program, was first held in 1986 by the City of Kitchener under the name Activefest.
This year marks the 19th edition of the Games.
“I am looking forward to seeing these top-flight athletes from all over Ontario participate in the Ontario 55+ Summer Games happening in the great City of Brantford and the beautiful County of Brant,” said Raymond Cho, Ontario’s Minister for Seniors and Accessibility. “No matter what your age, the competitive spirit lives in us all and I will be rooting for everyone to meet new people, do their best and have fun.”
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