Only these passengers are allowed to take a plane with one litre of water or more.

Only these passengers are allowed to take a plane with

When flying, the rules are clear: liquids must be contained in bottles of 100 ml maximum… Except for those passengers who are not limited.

For safety reasons, many items carried in the cabin are prohibited or limited to a certain quantity. Blunt or sharp objects must be placed in the hold, for example, and conversely, certain items such as lithium batteries or spare batteries and e-cigarettes are only allowed on board flights, in the cabin. Liquids are also very limited. Indeed, if you take perfume, shower gel or drinks, you must respect certain size and packaging rules.

“Liquids and aerosols must be contained in bottles of 100 ml maximum each. They must be placed in a transparent, resealable plastic bag with a maximum capacity of 1 litre (approximately 20 x 20 cm)” specifies the Service public website, which also indicates that only one bag is allowed per passenger. Also, if you are thirsty and you take a bottle of water with you, you will have to throw it away before going through the security check. However, some passengers are exceptions to this rule and are not limited in terms of liquids.

Of course, people who have health requirements can deviate from these rules by presenting a medical prescription, especially if they need to have liquid medication or products that they cannot put in the hold. Young parents can take a bottle of water for their baby in the cabin, to hydrate them or prepare their milk if they are not breastfed, for example. They are therefore not limited, including with regard to baby food.If you need to take liquid products without being able to respect the rules (quantity in particular), you must justify this, for example by the presence of a baby. In this case, you can take the liquids necessary for your trip (outward journey + stay + return journey)”the government said.

“When I first travelled with my baby, he was only two months old. I was able to skip the queues first, and I was reassured to be able to take his usual spring water, especially since the Mont Roucous brand didn’t exist in the country we were going to and the slightest change would have upset him. We were able to take everything we needed for baby, which gave us considerable peace of mind during the trip,” says Marie, Léo’s mother.
